Quick Tomato Sauce

Quick Tomato Sauce Recipe

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Quick Tomato Sauce Recipe

This quick tomato sauce recipe is ideal for use in most kinds of pasta. It is an Italian-style sauce and can be used in any kind of pasta, Mexican foods, and soups. This tomato sauce recipe is easy and requires few ingredients. Most of which will be available in the kitchen cupboards of most homes.

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Recipe Info


Serves: 4


Calories: 116
Carbs: 14g
Fat: 1g
Protein: 6.7g

Cooking Times

10 min
Preparation Time
0 Hours and 10 Minutes
15 min
Cook Time
0 Hours and 15 Minutes
20 min
Total Time
0 Hours and 20 Minutes




  1. In a saucepan, sauté the onion in the butter for five minutes
  2. Add the garlic and herbs, and season to taste with salt and pepper
  3. Add the chopped tomatoes and tomato puré. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring frequently
  4. Cool and store in sterilized jars in the refrigerator.

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5.00 from 6


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Diana Smith
I love giving out bottled sauces as presents. I will use this for my 2021 Christmas handouts. Everybody gets the same thing and it is something everyone can use. Thanks for this recipe. 5.00

Sophia Merlin
Fantastic tomato sauce recipe. I love chili corn carne and use this tomato sauce as the base tomato sauce for the recipe. 5.00

Gabriel Lockston
As a chef, I know how important it is to make your own quick tomato 🍅 sauce. Great recipe. Thanks for sharing. 5.00

Dylan Alexander
Great, quick, and easy tomato sauce recipe. I use it in Lasagna. Delicious. 5.00


The Cooking Cat is a home cooking project launched by husband and wife Chef Couples Iwan and Marna Ross. It initially started off as an experimental cooking project and quickly grew into a community-based cooking project. All recipes featured on the Cooking Cat website are the results of food trend analytics collected by Iwan Ross, an oasis for food bloggers. SCP provides food bloggers with recipe page templates, a recipe database, food blog topic suggestions, and much more. We thank them for their continued support and the success we celebrate as The Cooking Cat. They are also responsible for the success story behind The Smoking Chimney.