Apricot Jam

Apricot Jam Recipe

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Apricot Jam Recipe

This apricot jam recipe is perfect for when you have apricots left over after the Spring season and you are not sure what to do with them. We are spoilt for choice with the availability of fruits in this country and can collect large amounts of apricots at ridiculously low prices.

apricot jam recipe

There are so many things you can do with apricots. We dehydrate our own apricots to use in this very popular sosaties recipe. We also make apricot jam to us in this world-famous snoek recipe. Apricot jam is also one of the secret ingredients in this traditional braaibroodie recipe. I also know that apricot jam is used in certain Cape Malay curry recipes. It is simply delicious. We love apricot flavoured dishes in our country and wel also have a popular apricot chicken recipe for you to try.

As you can see, apricot jam is a very popular and versatile recipe and it is very easy to make. If you have a good jam recipe then please share it on this page where you can tell us everything about your recipe. If you have an apricot jam cooking suggestion then please share it on this page. You can also tag us on our Facebook page where we can share food and cooking ideas together.

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Recipe Info


Serves: 10


Calories: 266
Carbs: 11 g
Fat: 13 g
Protein: 29 g

Cooking Times

30 min
Preparation Time
0 Hours and 30 Minutes
60 min
Cook Time
1 Hours and 0 Minutes
90 min
Total Time
1 Hours and 30 Minutes




  1. Weigh the apricots
  2. Place the apricots, fruit, and the water into a large cooking pot and simmer, covered, until all the fruit is tender
  3. Add the sugar and slowly increase the heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved
  4. Boil rapidly and often skim the scum from the surface
  5. Pour the apricot jam, while it is hot, into sterilized jars and seal immediately. Store in a cool and dry place. Enjoy!

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5.00 from 7


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Denise Wolfe
Perfect apricot jam recipe. 5.00

Jolandie Muller
Thanks for sharing this tasty apricot jam recipe. I keep the jam and use it in your fantastic malva pudding recipe. I am happy to find so many traditional recipes on your website. ๐Ÿ™ 5.00

Wilma Harmse
Very good apricot jam recipe. The best one I have tried. Thanks for the clear instructions and step-by-step guide. You make it sound so easy, and it is. 5.00

Soleil le Fleur
Lovely apricot jam recipe. Now I know how to make apricot jam at home and I bottle and hand the apricot jam out as gifts to my friends and family. 5.00

Delaney Smith
Fantastic apricot jam recipe. This recipe is so easy to make. Thank you. ๐Ÿ™ 5.00


The Cooking Cat is a home cooking project launched by husband and wife Chef Couples Iwan and Marna Ross. It initially started off as an experimental cooking project and quickly grew into a community-based cooking project. All recipes featured on the Cooking Cat website are the results of food trend analytics collected by Iwan Ross, an oasis for food bloggers. SCP provides food bloggers with recipe page templates, a recipe database, food blog topic suggestions, and much more. We thank them for their continued support and the success we celebrate as The Cooking Cat. They are also responsible for the success story behind The Smoking Chimney.